Thursday, 20 June 2013

Table Setting - Final Piece

I'm so so happy with how this looks; I wanted to break down the wallpaper so I put the borders in between  I feel that it makes it more as if it'd be something you'd see in a B&Q set up. I'm glad these match well with the wallpaper like I intended and I'm hoping they all come together and look like a collection when fully set up.

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Hanging Shade - Red Second Sitting

Half way through and the red is already looking lovely; I'm glad I picked these colours as they go together so well! Looking forward to seeing them all hung up on display.

Friday, 14 June 2013

Hanging Shade - Yellow 1st/2nd Sitting

The beginning of this shade is looking good; although it's taking a little longer than I thought, I'll get them done in time and set-up next week.

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Hanging Shade - Orange Final Sitting

I'm glad I managed to get the first one finished and I'm really happy with how it's come together and looks good; I'm looking forward to seeing them hung altogether.

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Hanging Shade - Orange Second Sitting

I'm happy that I've got this far, I really want to see how everything will look altogether. I want to concentrate on getting the large ones finished then the smaller table set-up.

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Floor Lamp - Final Sitting

I'm really happy with how this first lampshade has turned out; I'm looking forward to seeing this lit and set up at the exhibition.
It took around 10 hours to finish this piece, probably more with the dyeing of the tissue.

Friday, 7 June 2013

Hanging Shade - Orange First Sitting

The first sitting of the orange went as well as the red did; using the same technique, I followed the lines and kept to the angle of the curve to make sure that gaps weren't left.
I think that juggling between the three started will help me to not get fed up of working on just one and will help me to get them done quicker.

Hanging Shade - Red First Sitting

I feel that this first sitting went well; I figured out that I can follow the wire lines and there won't be large gaps between the tissue. I'm hoping that this will also help me to keep in line and make sure that they angle to the curves of the shade.
I like how this has started out and I want the other two to go as well as the start as this one. Though the gluing of these can be time consuming, I feel that it gets easier once I've got started and got the pace going.

Floor Lamp - Second Sitting

The second sitting went well and I've done around a quarter of the shade; I feel that I'm on track with where I want to be and that if I continue I should be done on time. I think that the most time consuming part is getting the tissue dyed and dried as it takes a while, but it should be fine if I continue to do this at home.

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Floor Lamp - First Sitting

The first sitting of sticking all the tissue on went well, though I soon quickly realised I'm going to need a lot more tissue than I might've expected; although I knew this already, I don't find it a large problem as I have a lot of tissue ready to be dyed.
I really like how it's starting to come together and look how I wanted it too. I think at the end these shades are going to be quite large as the tissue stands out well.

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Renova - Coloured Toilet Roll

Renova do coloured toilet paper alongside normal toilet paper and patterned paper. They have a huge selection of colours and in toilet roll, kitchen roll, pocket tissues, and napkins.
I found these on an off chance of looking for just normal slightly coloured tissue and found it quite interesting that I hadn't seen anything done with these before.

I think I'd known about these before now, I would've tested out them with the scrunching as I think they'd look quite good, even if they are a bit bright. These would be good if people wanted a block colour instead of dyed edges, it would cut out the dyeing process unless they wanted an alternative colour along the edges.